The Benefits of Gamification in Learning
Gamification is no longer just a buzzword. There is currently a plethora of applications and software that include game elements into lessons in order to increase learning outcomes. These applications enable game-based learning for users as young as 4-years-old up till adulthood. They provide lessons for various things from languages to subject-specific lessons in the school curriculum.
Researchers have found that people are more receptive to engaging in gamified learning experiences compared to traditional methods of learning. Here are the many benefits of gamification in learning.
Fun and Engaging
When we perform enjoyable activities, our brain rewards us with endorphins that enable us to retain more information. Additionally, the interactive elements in games allow users to engage in active learning, participating in their own development and motivating them to progress.
When users interact and engage with the game elements, they are also inadvertently engaging and digesting the content that’s delivered within the game. Subconsciously, they are being introduced to new concepts and learning how to apply them.
Real-life experiences
Studies show that people remember better when they experience something, compared to reading or listening alone. The same applies to simulated experiences. When a person is immersed in an experience, he or she can capture more information compared to sitting through a one-way lecture.
Within a game or virtual world, users get exposure to real life events. In role playing games, users learn to embody the character that they play and experience life as that person.
They are also able to see the outcomes and consequences of their choices. If they make the right choice, their character progresses. Conversely, they get penalized for making poor decisions. This allows them to empathize and see how these choices affect their character, and apply what they’ve learned to their own lives.
Risk-free learning
In real life, people are naturally risk-averse. This means that people try not to take unnecessary risks, even though these risky choices may potentially lead to good outcomes.
In the game world, users can explore their options in a safe environment. This means that implications of poor choices may not affect them as much as they would in real life. This encourages them to try out certain paths that they otherwise wouldn’t, with no real cost to them.
Finding out potential outcomes to various choices can help people have a better idea of what kinds of risks are worth taking, and which are not. This helps them develop better decision-making skills and the confidence to make better choices.
Increased motivation
We’ve all experienced the drive that comes with receiving rewards for progress. Rewards can motivate, drive performance and improve outcomes. As such, people will more likely engage in content intended for them when they feel motivated to do so. Rewards can come in the form of scores, unlockable items, badges, certificates and other collectibles.
Additionally, some game elements allow for competition and ranking. For those motivated by competing with others, this element works as a great motivator. However, sometimes competitions can be off-putting for those who rather progress at their own pace.
As gamification has proven to increase engagement, knowledge retention and motivation, it is no longer a question of whether schools and organizations should opt for gamified learning experiences. The right question to ask is what are the types of games that can bring about the best learning outcomes for their learners?
If you are looking for a new way to introduce the world of careers to students, our gamified Career Design Workshop allows students to explore and discover careers in a fun way! Our Career Design Workshop is also suitable for adults who want to rediscover the world of careers, understand how to progress and make better career choices. Contact us to find out more!